the Parsons family

I had the great joy of photographing this wonderful family at Cranbrook and just fell in love with these twins gorgeous eyes and loving nature!

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Hayden & Graham


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Katherine & Brian

Katherine & Brian’s wedding was simply wonderful – the two of them are an amazing couple, so kind and loving!  I had such a great time photographing their wedding, the emotions were high and I have to admit I got a little choked up during Brian’s speech when he talked about how lucky he was...

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the first post…

I decided that the quality of images on facebook wasn’t up to par these days so I’ve entered the blogging world as a means to show people more images.  I couldn’t think of a better way to kick it off than with a post of my favorite guy – my little 5 year old.  Here...

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About daphne

I love blue skies, beaches and time with my boys.







My studio is located in

Bloomfield, Michigan 48302




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